Get It While It’s Hot – Artist Neopen

Available for free for 24 hours starting now is the PSD file of this image above, done by artist Nicolas “Neopen” André,. Fotolia, the stock imaging site, hosts the Ten Collection for which they’ve asked 10 French artists to create a unique high quality piece using images found on their site.  Their photoshop file is then offered for free for a day, after it costs $9. This month’s artist Neopen is a French art director, who was enthralled with design at at a young age. Many people agree that education is important and aspire to excel in traditional learning institutions. However education comes in many forms and “school” isn’t for everyone. This certainly applies to Neopen. He is an artist who removed himself from school and teaches himself, quite successfully, with freedom to work on what moves him. He’s done some of everything and has had clientele such as Sean John, Warner music, and EMI. By the way, if you want to learn about a pretty dope non-traditional design institution click here.

At the moment, Neopen has a film making and motion graphics collaboration called Das Schloss with fellow Ten Collection artist Damien “Elroy” Vignaux. So do check out his videos on Vimeo. Also watch his Ten Collection interview below and view examples of his graphic/web design work.


“TEN Collection – a unique educational and community outreach initiative, showcasing digital art unlike any other.”

24 Hours Only! Get This Awesome PSD for Free!

If you like this image (shown above) now is your chance to get the Photoshop file for free. Fotolia, the stock imaging site, has started what they call the Ten Collection for which they’ve asked 10 French artists to create a unique high quality piece using images found on their site. A new Photoshop File is available to download 10am (EST for the US) on the 10th of each month and for the first 24 hours it’s free! (regular price $9) This is it’s third installment featuring the work of Graphic Artist François Leroy. He’s a gifted self-taught digital artist, studying traditional art in Paris. Leroy has been featured in many publications (Computer Arts, Digital Arts, etc.) and is a part of the exclusive KDU (Keystone Design Union) and SlashTHREE. He describes his style as abundant, colorful, and tinted with optimism. Examples of his work shown below. Go now to download the file and get an in-depth look at his creative process. The Ten Collection also includes interviews with the artists. Check out Leroy’s website or follow him on Behance if his work speaks to you.

“TEN Collection – a unique educational and community outreach initiative, showcasing digital art unlike any other.”